
Showing posts from December, 2020

Difficult friendships?

  Being home more often, because of the new restrictions and curfews, has me thinking about a lot of things. Sometimes I see people treating others in awful ways and they call each other “friends”. When confronted about it, they just say that “it’s complicated” or that it is a “difficult friendship” ... I don’t get it! Friendships or relationships in general are not supposed to be complicated. They are supposed to make you feel safe, loved and respected at all times. You don’t need to see each other every day, you don’t need to talk all the time, but whenever you do, it should feel like no time has passed since the last time. Good friends are there for the good and the bad, they tell you like it is, while also giving you confidence. They are there for you and you feel like telling them everything, without fear of judgement. Trust me when I tell you, everyone else, all of those “friends” that give you less than this, don’t deserve to be called friends, and you should let them go. No, yo

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