
Showing posts from March, 2021

Antisocial: An experiment without social media

  As technology evolved over the years, the ability to communicate and share our lives online became common, essential even. Nowadays, we carry some of the most important aspects of our lives in our pockets and most people would be horrified at the prospect of being a day (maybe even hours) without their phones. Some can admit social media is like an addiction to them, but most people I know (myself included) would disagree. I always thought I didn’t really need socials in my day-to-day, I only have them because I like taking pictures, checking up on my friends’ lives and that’s basically it. But lately I’ve been wondering what it would be like to not have social media at all. Would it make me more active? More depressed? That’s where the idea for an experiment came along. I decided I was going to delete all my social media from my phone for 7 days and record my thoughts and feelings about it. Are you ready?   Day 1 – No more procrastinating? I think my relationship with my

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