
Showing posts from November, 2020

Pre-Quarantine Thoughts?

“...It’s hard writing something like this again, but it seems that the world is going backwards. When the threat of this virus was taken a bit more seriously, we all went into lockdown. When summertime came, everything seemed better, promising. However, that hope was short lived. I don’t know if the government is to blame, if society as a whole is to blame, or if it is everyone’s fault, but more and more cases appeared here and the daily death rate has been on an all-time high. The government doesn’t want to shut everything down again. They say our economy can’t take it. Instead they impose measures that make no sense and that hurt small businesses... I don’t get it. The way things are going, I can imagine being home again, doing almost nothing, missing everyone I care about. I’m scared for my parents, I’m scared of losing the job I got in the summer and that I love, I’m scared of being away from my loved ones again. I’m just scared, and sad and angry...”     This is an exc


  During quarantine , I stumbled upon a few Instagram pages about witchy things that made me think about exploring the mysterious world of witchcraft, healing, energy, plants, herbs, crystals... You see, I’ve always found those things very interesting but I’ve never had the motivation to get into it. Until now! From what I’ve gathered, a very important aspect of starting your journey is choosing a method of divination . There are many different methods, from many different cultures to choose from: runes, tea leaves reading, pendulum divination, stone reading, bone reading, scrying, numerology, among others. But the one that always stood out to me, and always had me pretty curious was Tarot reading . So, this week I finally got myself a beautiful Tarot deck that I felt drawn to and I started learning and practicing. So far, it is going great! I feel a great intuition towards the cards and their meaning come easily to me actually. I take a card for each day, in order to get some guid

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