

During quarantine, I stumbled upon a few Instagram pages about witchy things that made me think about exploring the mysterious world of witchcraft, healing, energy, plants, herbs, crystals... You see, I’ve always found those things very interesting but I’ve never had the motivation to get into it. Until now!

From what I’ve gathered, a very important aspect of starting your journey is choosing a method of divination. There are many different methods, from many different cultures to choose from: runes, tea leaves reading, pendulum divination, stone reading, bone reading, scrying, numerology, among others. But the one that always stood out to me, and always had me pretty curious was Tarot reading.

So, this week I finally got myself a beautiful Tarot deck that I felt drawn to and I started learning and practicing. So far, it is going great! I feel a great intuition towards the cards and their meaning come easily to me actually. I take a card for each day, in order to get some guidance (and that’s actually why I’m here writing at the moment) and I’ve also been practicing with two other spreads.

The “Past/Present/Future” one is really good for practicing interpretation, in my opinion and yesterday I tried out a weekly spread for myself. I’ve been writing everything down in a notebook in order to see how everything pans out and, honestly, so far, so good.

A friend of mine offered to be a test subject the other day, and that also went pretty well, the reading was pretty much spot on, from what he said, which is good and gave me more confidence. However, I think I mostly want to keep my readings for myself and my life for now. Wouldn’t want to go off misinterpreting things for other people who might be more susceptible.

I’ll be posting my readings and “Cards of the Day” on my Patreon, so if you feel curious and would want to help me out, you can go on over and check it out!


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