
Antisocial: An experiment without social media

  As technology evolved over the years, the ability to communicate and share our lives online became common, essential even. Nowadays, we carry some of the most important aspects of our lives in our pockets and most people would be horrified at the prospect of being a day (maybe even hours) without their phones. Some can admit social media is like an addiction to them, but most people I know (myself included) would disagree. I always thought I didn’t really need socials in my day-to-day, I only have them because I like taking pictures, checking up on my friends’ lives and that’s basically it. But lately I’ve been wondering what it would be like to not have social media at all. Would it make me more active? More depressed? That’s where the idea for an experiment came along. I decided I was going to delete all my social media from my phone for 7 days and record my thoughts and feelings about it. Are you ready?   Day 1 – No more procrastinating? I think my relationship with my

Difficult friendships?

  Being home more often, because of the new restrictions and curfews, has me thinking about a lot of things. Sometimes I see people treating others in awful ways and they call each other “friends”. When confronted about it, they just say that “it’s complicated” or that it is a “difficult friendship” ... I don’t get it! Friendships or relationships in general are not supposed to be complicated. They are supposed to make you feel safe, loved and respected at all times. You don’t need to see each other every day, you don’t need to talk all the time, but whenever you do, it should feel like no time has passed since the last time. Good friends are there for the good and the bad, they tell you like it is, while also giving you confidence. They are there for you and you feel like telling them everything, without fear of judgement. Trust me when I tell you, everyone else, all of those “friends” that give you less than this, don’t deserve to be called friends, and you should let them go. No, yo

Pre-Quarantine Thoughts?

“...It’s hard writing something like this again, but it seems that the world is going backwards. When the threat of this virus was taken a bit more seriously, we all went into lockdown. When summertime came, everything seemed better, promising. However, that hope was short lived. I don’t know if the government is to blame, if society as a whole is to blame, or if it is everyone’s fault, but more and more cases appeared here and the daily death rate has been on an all-time high. The government doesn’t want to shut everything down again. They say our economy can’t take it. Instead they impose measures that make no sense and that hurt small businesses... I don’t get it. The way things are going, I can imagine being home again, doing almost nothing, missing everyone I care about. I’m scared for my parents, I’m scared of losing the job I got in the summer and that I love, I’m scared of being away from my loved ones again. I’m just scared, and sad and angry...”     This is an exc


  During quarantine , I stumbled upon a few Instagram pages about witchy things that made me think about exploring the mysterious world of witchcraft, healing, energy, plants, herbs, crystals... You see, I’ve always found those things very interesting but I’ve never had the motivation to get into it. Until now! From what I’ve gathered, a very important aspect of starting your journey is choosing a method of divination . There are many different methods, from many different cultures to choose from: runes, tea leaves reading, pendulum divination, stone reading, bone reading, scrying, numerology, among others. But the one that always stood out to me, and always had me pretty curious was Tarot reading . So, this week I finally got myself a beautiful Tarot deck that I felt drawn to and I started learning and practicing. So far, it is going great! I feel a great intuition towards the cards and their meaning come easily to me actually. I take a card for each day, in order to get some guid

Made by MG

You guys, I’m really excited about this week’s shoutout! I can’t tell you many details about what led me to contact this amazing person (I’m trying to make someone a surprise and I don’t want to spoil anything), but I really want to share all the beautiful things she does. Marisa Glória is a great artist that creates the most beautiful homemade items for her brand: Made by MG . She does décor, key-chains, accessories, the most exquisite baby items, ornated boxes, and she also does beautiful masks that really come in handy in the present time. The best thing about it all is that she can make it all custom made for you. And let me tell you, she made my vision come to life! For the gift I wanted to create (I will show it to you when it gets delivered, I promise!) she let me choose the fabric, the colors, the lettering, everything! And it is all so, so, sooooo affordable! She is constantly in touch, always telling you what’s going on, she works really fast and is so efficient with her


This is a true story submitted by a friend. “There was a time when my mom was really depressed, saying that she didn’t want to live anymore, because she was tired of the constant sadness... She pretty much didn’t even get out bed anymore. One day, as she was doing the dishes, she saw a black shadow going into the kitchen, where she was, and rushing to the hallway where all the bedrooms are. My mom followed it but didn’t see anything so she brushed it off, thinking it was just her imagination. Her depression got much worse. One day, my father decided to call a friend over to the house. She was a medium. Upon arrival she mentioned that the energy in the house was really heavy and that there might’ve been something else inside. She started praying, my mom started feeling very sick and out of nowhere she spoke with a male voice! Eventually, the medium managed to cast out the spirit and we learned that it was an older man that wanted my mom for himself because he liked her. When t

Green Tea & Clementine Smoothie

I told you I’d be back with more smoothies, and here I am. This is the second smoothie I tried for the detox experiment . Ingredients (for 1 person): 3 clementines; 250 mL of cold green tea; 2 or 3 mint leaves Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a blender until you obtain a homogenous mixture, and serve. The book says: “Green tea is rich in vitamin B, folates, manganese, potassium, magnesium, caffeine and other antioxidants, among which are catechins. This smoothie is a source of vitamins, facilitates digestion and is refreshing .”   This smoothie had really big summer vibes for me, as it was so cool and refreshing. Since I don’t really appreciate when smoothies come out really thick, the green tea made it more fluid for me and it made me enjoy it even more. I really recommend it. Be sure to check other delicious recipes here . And if you enjoy my content and want to support it in order to help me make it better, please consider becoming a patron . Thank you so much

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