
This is a true story submitted by a friend.

“There was a time when my mom was really depressed, saying that she didn’t want to live anymore, because she was tired of the constant sadness... She pretty much didn’t even get out bed anymore.

One day, as she was doing the dishes, she saw a black shadow going into the kitchen, where she was, and rushing to the hallway where all the bedrooms are. My mom followed it but didn’t see anything so she brushed it off, thinking it was just her imagination.

Her depression got much worse.

One day, my father decided to call a friend over to the house. She was a medium. Upon arrival she mentioned that the energy in the house was really heavy and that there might’ve been something else inside. She started praying, my mom started feeling very sick and out of nowhere she spoke with a male voice!

Eventually, the medium managed to cast out the spirit and we learned that it was an older man that wanted my mom for himself because he liked her. When things settled down, the medium also told us that she couldn’t have successfully driven the spirit away without the help of my grandmother (my father’s mother), who, for the record, had already died at that time.”


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