My year so far

I've had an interesting year, so far. It started really bad, as I recieved some news that shook our entire family, followed by the end of a 4 and a half year relationship, in which I was engaged (yes, I am aware that I am 22...). For a few months after, I went on some really bad dates but I've also met some cool people, and yes, I will have some #TinderStoryTimes for you later on.
I got my first car as a gift from my parents, I celebrated my 22nd birthday last month (18th of July), and somehow I got into a downward spiral that was leading me to a path of self-destruction. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out of bed... My day consisted of me being in my bed all day, doing nothing until I really had to, like paying bills on the last day possible, for example...
To make matters worse, I have a bad relationship with food, in which I eat a lot. I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I'm bored, I eat all the time. So as you can imagine, I gained a lot of weight and even though I've never had a problem with loving myself and accepting how I look, the effects have taken a toll on how I physically feel. My feet hurt more, I avoid using dresses because it hurts my thighs and I don't have as much resistance as I used to, in general. There's also a long history of heart disease and diabetes in my family so now I'm even more prone to that (thankfully I am still healthy).
That's why I've decided it is time for a change. I need to change my life, and I've already started that process. I've been "forcing" myself to do more than just exist. I changed my sleeping habits, I write down all the things I want to do for the day or the week (because I feel like having stuff written down, somehow makes me want to accomplish my tasks and to cross them of my list). I've also been reaching out to some friends I haven't seen or talked to in a while (mainly due to my self-isolation) and the most important thing I did, so far, was to aknowledge my eating problem and getting help. In a few days I am seeing a nutricionist and I intend to change the way I eat, for good!
So far, this hasn't been an amazing year, but there's still a lot of time for that to change, and I'm counting on that.

How's your year been, so far?


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