
Showing posts from September, 2018

My Weight Loss Journey: One Month

Here we are, one month after the start of my journey and I have lot to tell you! Starting with my physical progress , I’ve lost 16.5 lbs in total, ~ 4 inches in my chest, waist and hips, and ~ 6 inches in my stomach. It’s amazing and I need to add that, so far, I haven’t done any exercise at all. But I will! I am nowhere near my goal weight but I have to say that I feel amazing ! I’ve always heard that it takes 21 days to make a habit out of something, but I’ve never had the will to keep up good, healthy habits for so long, until now. Because I can’t eat my feelings now, I had to learn how to deal with them, so I feel more emotionally stable .   This might be a bit tmi (too much information) but I think that it is very important: I used to have a lot of gas and horrible gas pains for so long that I got used to them, and I thought that I would always have to live with them. After completely cutting sugar off my diet it was all gone! No more pain, no more being uncomfor


I recently joined Reddit and, so far, I really enjoy the way people can share ideas and have discussions so easily. However, here and there, you see a post that leaves you wandering what’s wrong with humanity. Today I was browsing through the “New” posts and I found one with the title “I cheat on my boyfriend because the sex is boring”. I couldn’t help myself and I facepalmed. I opened the post and, as you can imagine, this person’s story was ridiculous and she had no regrets nor any intention to stop. To me, it was disgusting, but then it got me thinking about that old saying: “Once a cheater, always a cheater”. Is it true? I cheated once. I was 17, dating a guy 5 years older than me, for 3 years and it was the most toxic relationship anyone could ever imagine. It was never physical, but psychologically it was horrible. But at that age, I didn’t know better and I thought that that was love. One day, another guy came into the picture and started treating me very different

Staying in Touch

“You promise to stay in touch with people, but it doesn’t work out. It never does.” Whoever said this never made real friends, geez… When I was in middle-school and high-school the phrase “Lets keep in touch and make plans for the summer!” was a must at the end of the year. Of course, as expected, there were never any plans and no one kept in touch. Or almost no one. Now that I find myself looking back, I always had a group of friends in school (it would change every year, but still) and we were inseparable… in school only. When it was time to come home on vacations or holidays we wouldn’t do stuff together, we wouldn’t even talk! And now I realize that I wasn’t even into most of those “friends”. It’s strange how your brain forces you into that group mentality in school. As if you are “weaker” if you’re not in a “pack ”. There are only 2 exceptions in my case, 2 girls that I’ve kept around through thick and thin. One I’ve known since pre-school (now 16 years) and the

Return of Kings - The Anecdote

Last week I discovered a Youtuber called Ready to Glare and I was instantly obsessed. At some point, I stumbled across a video called “Womenwith short hair are damaged” , and in it she was commenting on an article posted in a website called Return of Kings. I was curious about what kind of website could possibly entertain such old-fashioned ideas and, boy, was I in for a treat… Before I read any of the articles, I decided to check the “About” section and this is what it says: It goes on to state the ROK’s community beliefs which include things like “A woman’s value significantly depends in her fertility and beauty.” With titles like “7 ways women are like abandoned dogs”, “Never follow a girl’s lead”, “3 ways to ‘hypnotize’ a girl into a sexually submissive trance” and “5 reasons women should be banned from working as police officers” you can quickly understand the mentality of the people who write and frequent this site… And no, it isn’t just an ignorant boy in

Heart to Heart: Blocked by Stress

Sometimes in my life, everything is going well and I’m doing what I want to do, I’m sticking to my plans and my schedules… But then, something happens, or if something new is coming up I start to feel drained. It’s more than the thoughts that make me nervous (as I mentioned here ), it’s physical. I want to sleep more, I want to do less, I postpone everything I can. Sometimes, I’m even annoyed just by talking! I don’t even know how I’m writing this  right now because I really just want to curl up in bed and stay there. I always thought that I was lazy (and I am) but now that I’m analyzing myself more I feel like there’s more to it. Am I ok?

Women Empowering Women

It’s interesting they way that women like to put other women down. I’d be a hypocrite and a liar if I said I was always about girl power, because I wasn’t. I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of looking at a girl or woman on TV and saying “Ugh, she’s ugly” or “Ugh, she’s so fat”, or maybe seeing someone on the street wearing something we wouldn’t necessarily wear and going “She looks crazy, what is she doing? Doesn’t she have a mirror at home?”. Growing up and understanding how we’re not equal to man (not in the workplace, not in paychecks, and don’t even get me started on how they’re called players and we’re called whores…) made me realize that we should be teaming up and giving each other the confidence, the self-esteem we need to be our better selves and do anything we want to. So now, when I see a girl on TV I say “You go girl! Make that money!”. When I see a woman on the street feeling like a million bucks in her skin and in her clothes, I say “You go girl! Slay that runway!”

... in with the new.

I don’t know about you, but sometimes new things scare me. Change can be scary. Be it a new school, a new job, just new surroundings make me feel a little bit of panic inside. The weeks leading up to something new, always leave me completely in my head thinking the worst thoughts: “What if I can’t get used to it?”, “What if no one likes me?” or “What if I don’t do a great job?”. I tire myself with it, I give myself anxiety, and it’s always all for nothing. In a few weeks I’m going to start the internship for my thesis in another city and I’m in my head worrying about affording the trips, getting used to a new place, thinking if I’m going to like the people there and if they’re going to like me… Just being nervous for nothing. I don’t know why my brain has the need to always try and sabotage me, but I will never let it win. I know I am a very adaptable person, I know I’m going to figure someway to get the money and I know I’m going to get along with my new colleagues (and

Never Give Up

You know that feeling, when you’re doing something to change your life, of “if I just do it one time it won’t hurt”? For example, when you are dieting and you feel like eating something you shouldn’t and you think “one bite won’t hurt”. Yeah, you end up eating the whole thing. Never give into that feeling. Trust me when I say that the “one time” will multiply and sooner or later you’ll be back where you started, or worse. I’ve always been a big girl and I’ve tried, many times, to go on diets or working out but I failed every single time. Why? First, I wasn’t in the correct mindset needed to change, second, I had no willpower , and third, slowly but surely, I always went back to my old ways . This time I feel different about my “mission” to lose weight. I care more about my health, when I started I was physically at my worse and I feel this motivation that I’ve never had before. For the first time I don’t feel like this change is a burden, I’m enjoying trying out new food

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