Return of Kings - The Anecdote
Last week I discovered a Youtuber called Ready to Glare and I was
instantly obsessed. At some point, I stumbled across a video called “Womenwith short hair are damaged”, and in it she was commenting on an article
posted in a website called Return of Kings.
I was curious about what kind of website could possibly entertain such
old-fashioned ideas and, boy, was I in for a treat…
Before I read any of the articles, I decided to check the “About”
section and this is what it says:
It goes on to state the ROK’s community beliefs which include things
like “A woman’s value significantly depends in her fertility and beauty.”
With titles like “7 ways women are like abandoned dogs”, “Never follow a
girl’s lead”, “3 ways to ‘hypnotize’ a girl into a sexually submissive trance”
and “5 reasons women should be banned from working as police officers” you can
quickly understand the mentality of the people who write and frequent this site…
And no, it isn’t just an ignorant boy in its parents’ basement, it’s made men,
with published books, that are behind this!
It’s unfathomable to me how this “women belong in the kitchen” mentality
can still be around. I know everyone is entitled to their opinion but when you
make an offensive website of it, I think you’re going way too far. Saying a
girl with short hair becomes instantly unattractive, belittling men who are
more feminine, or less “aggressive”, shitting on Feminism, the LGBT community
and other minorities so radically… It’s damaging!
I can’t feel anything but rage when I see things like this! Women have
fought a lot to release themselves from the shackles of misogyny, and we are
still fighting for equality every day. So, it saddens me that there are still
some people, some men, out there that are too scared of us and our success. The
so called “alpha males” behind these types of websites are nothing but scaredy
cats who shiver at the idea of having a woman as an equal. These men are not “alpha”,
these men are scared little boys.
So, go ahead and keep trying to undermine the egalitarian movement. The
rest of us will be watching you from a far, at the top of our success, rocking
whatever style we want, doing whatever we want, fucking whoever we want.
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