
I recently joined Reddit and, so far, I really enjoy the way people can share ideas and have discussions so easily. However, here and there, you see a post that leaves you wandering what’s wrong with humanity.

Today I was browsing through the “New” posts and I found one with the title “I cheat on my boyfriend because the sex is boring”. I couldn’t help myself and I facepalmed. I opened the post and, as you can imagine, this person’s story was ridiculous and she had no regrets nor any intention to stop. To me, it was disgusting, but then it got me thinking about that old saying: “Once a cheater, always a cheater”. Is it true?

I cheated once.

I was 17, dating a guy 5 years older than me, for 3 years and it was the most toxic relationship anyone could ever imagine. It was never physical, but psychologically it was horrible. But at that age, I didn’t know better and I thought that that was love. One day, another guy came into the picture and started treating me very differently and swept me off my feet. I fell in love and got involved with him before breaking up with my boyfriend at the time.

I never cheated before or after that, nor do I condone cheating. Of course, I grew and changed a lot after that. I am now an adult and I massively improved my self-esteem and social skills. I know that I’m not capable of ever cheating again because now I speak my mind and I don’t settle for anything less than true happiness.

So, from my point of view, cheating, like any other action, can be conditioned by mental health, immaturity and other factors. Some people change. Would I forgive a cheating partner? No, never. But that’s my opinion.

How do you feel about cheating/cheaters?


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