Never Give Up

You know that feeling, when you’re doing something to change your life, of “if I just do it one time it won’t hurt”? For example, when you are dieting and you feel like eating something you shouldn’t and you think “one bite won’t hurt”. Yeah, you end up eating the whole thing.

Never give into that feeling. Trust me when I say that the “one time” will multiply and sooner or later you’ll be back where you started, or worse.

I’ve always been a big girl and I’ve tried, many times, to go on diets or working out but I failed every single time. Why? First, I wasn’t in the correct mindset needed to change, second, I had no willpower, and third, slowly but surely, I always went back to my old ways.

This time I feel different about my “mission” to lose weight. I care more about my health, when I started I was physically at my worse and I feel this motivation that I’ve never had before. For the first time I don’t feel like this change is a burden, I’m enjoying trying out new foods, cooking and learning more and more, not only about living a healthier lifestyle but also about myself.

Of course, it’s not always easy. Sometimes I am surrounded by things that I can’t eat, like at parties our when I go out to eat, but I realize that I have the power and strength to say no. I can say no to falling back to the same patterns. And I have. And it feels amazing.


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