
Showing posts from June, 2020

Made by MG

You guys, I’m really excited about this week’s shoutout! I can’t tell you many details about what led me to contact this amazing person (I’m trying to make someone a surprise and I don’t want to spoil anything), but I really want to share all the beautiful things she does. Marisa Glória is a great artist that creates the most beautiful homemade items for her brand: Made by MG . She does décor, key-chains, accessories, the most exquisite baby items, ornated boxes, and she also does beautiful masks that really come in handy in the present time. The best thing about it all is that she can make it all custom made for you. And let me tell you, she made my vision come to life! For the gift I wanted to create (I will show it to you when it gets delivered, I promise!) she let me choose the fabric, the colors, the lettering, everything! And it is all so, so, sooooo affordable! She is constantly in touch, always telling you what’s going on, she works really fast and is so efficient with her


This is a true story submitted by a friend. “There was a time when my mom was really depressed, saying that she didn’t want to live anymore, because she was tired of the constant sadness... She pretty much didn’t even get out bed anymore. One day, as she was doing the dishes, she saw a black shadow going into the kitchen, where she was, and rushing to the hallway where all the bedrooms are. My mom followed it but didn’t see anything so she brushed it off, thinking it was just her imagination. Her depression got much worse. One day, my father decided to call a friend over to the house. She was a medium. Upon arrival she mentioned that the energy in the house was really heavy and that there might’ve been something else inside. She started praying, my mom started feeling very sick and out of nowhere she spoke with a male voice! Eventually, the medium managed to cast out the spirit and we learned that it was an older man that wanted my mom for himself because he liked her. When t

Green Tea & Clementine Smoothie

I told you I’d be back with more smoothies, and here I am. This is the second smoothie I tried for the detox experiment . Ingredients (for 1 person): 3 clementines; 250 mL of cold green tea; 2 or 3 mint leaves Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a blender until you obtain a homogenous mixture, and serve. The book says: “Green tea is rich in vitamin B, folates, manganese, potassium, magnesium, caffeine and other antioxidants, among which are catechins. This smoothie is a source of vitamins, facilitates digestion and is refreshing .”   This smoothie had really big summer vibes for me, as it was so cool and refreshing. Since I don’t really appreciate when smoothies come out really thick, the green tea made it more fluid for me and it made me enjoy it even more. I really recommend it. Be sure to check other delicious recipes here . And if you enjoy my content and want to support it in order to help me make it better, please consider becoming a patron . Thank you so much

Personality Types

So, the other day I was watching a Cinnamon Toast Ken’s video , on Youtube , in which he and his friend took a personality test online. I was really intrigued because they were really finding the results to be spot on, and I decided I wanted to take the test myself, for the fun of it! 16 Personalities Test The test they took was from the 16Personalities  website . In this website you are supposed to take a relatively quick quiz, in which you have to be as true to yourself as possible when answering each question. There are no right or wrong answers. In the end, the website will determine which of the 16 personalities best defines you, based on your answers. The 16 personalities are divided into 4 types: The analysts , diplomats , sentinels and explorer personalities. The Defender After completing the quiz, I got the Defender  personality, from the sentinel category. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! It was like the site was describing me! The introduction says: “Though

The “Postpone Syndrome”

I have a problem. Well, I have many problems but this one is super annoying. I tend to postpone stupid little things to a point where I probably won’t be able to do them anymore. I also postpone important things. I postpone important emails; I ignore some important deadlines... It’s so stupid. In other words, I procrastinate like a boss. The worst part is that I think of those things I need to do every single day. But I just don’t do them. What is this? Why is my brain like this? I guess this is a pretty common Portuguese problem, I mean, we are known for leaving everything undone until the last second, but it sucks so bad! Why can’t I learn? I was seriously going writing something completely different today, but guess what... I got myself into a shitty situation because I was stupid enough to postpone a simple email. I’m an idiot. At this point I usually say that “I need a therapist” but at this point I don’t even know what I need. I need a reset button. One that works, speci

Crawly Crew

My shoutout for the week is a tiny bit different than you might expect... I want to tell you about the amazing group (and family) I am proud to be a part of: Crawly Crew . Crawly Crew is a group of people who share the same love for tuning and stance . If this is something new for you, we are pretty much in the same boat. I learned about tuning when I started dating my boyfriend, about a year and half ago. I knew so little about cars that I didn’t even notice that his car was modified in the beginning! Tuning basically consists in modifying your car and personalizing it according to your taste . You can change colors, rims, add spoilers, make it more powerful, add stickers, lower it and much, much more! It was amazing for me to see that our cars could be an extension to our personality... It all started with what we call “The Family”, the core group. A few people with the same passion. Eventually it grew and other people from all over started joining and that’s how Crawly Crew cam

The Man in My Bed

This is my own personal story. The end of 2017/beginning of 2018 was a very difficult time period for us here at the house. We were having some complicated personal problems; my anxiety was through the roof and the only way I could describe what I felt was that my home and my life was falling apart and all I had to fix it was duct tape. Eventually things started getting better but soon after I was hit with another problem: insomnia. Insomnia was nothing new to me, it happens occasionally, but this time it was happening to me every night. No rest, nothing. It had been a week and I was starting to feel like I was going to lose it. I tried teas, aromatherapy, getting off all electronics at night and nothing. One night I was laying in bed, my lights were out but my modem blue light lights up the room just enough for me to see everything, or at least the outline of things. For some reason I looked down, towards my window and I saw this massive black shadow forming in my curtains. I tu

Spinach Goodies

I can’t stand the idea of eating some vegetables, well, most of them! And it’s not all about the taste, it’s mostly about texture. I can stomach eating lettuce and small quantities of spinach. However, I found a way to consume some vegetables, by transforming them into something a little bit different. Today I want to show you a way to eat a lot of spinach in one sitting! Here’s what you’re going to need:      - 1 bag of fresh spinach (I have loads of spinach in my garden, so I don’t need to buy   them);      - Half of a natural yoghurt (plain yoghurt, no sugar);      - 1 garlic clove;      - 2 small shallots;      - Salt and pepper. Start out by washing your spinach really well and cooking it in boiling water until it’s almost done. Then, put the spinach in a processor (save the water you used to boil it), add the rest of the ingredients and season it with salt and pepper, to your liking. Process everything until you get a creamy mix. Pour the mix into a pan and let it thicken in lo

Addicted to Food?

I want to start by saying that I’m not a professional of any kind when it comes to this subject. I’m merely putting out my thoughts and feelings. If you are dealing with any mental/physical problems regarding food/eating, or of any kind, please seek out professional help. The other day I was watching a lady talk about the dangers of vaping and then she went on talking about addiction. When she was defining “addiction” it really caught my attention. I tried searching for that specific definition and this is the closest I could find. According to Medical News Today , addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity or substance even though it is causing psychological and physical harm . Am I addicted to eating? Well, now I’m controlling and restricting myself a bit, but when I wasn’t, I would just eat constantly, fully aware of what it was doing to my body (on the inside and on the outside). And I wouldn’t be satisfied with just anyth

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