Addicted to Food?

I want to start by saying that I’m not a professional of any kind when it comes to this subject. I’m merely putting out my thoughts and feelings. If you are dealing with any mental/physical problems regarding food/eating, or of any kind, please seek out professional help.

The other day I was watching a lady talk about the dangers of vaping and then she went on talking about addiction. When she was defining “addiction” it really caught my attention. I tried searching for that specific definition and this is the closest I could find.

According to Medical News Today, addiction is a psychological and physical inability to stop consuming a chemical, drug, activity or substance even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.

Am I addicted to eating? Well, now I’m controlling and restricting myself a bit, but when I wasn’t, I would just eat constantly, fully aware of what it was doing to my body (on the inside and on the outside). And I wouldn’t be satisfied with just anything, no way. I had to have sugar or salty snacks, just the worst things for my health. Was I addicted?

I really like diving into stuff like this that makes me think about what I was/am doing to myself and I realize that when I am thinking about my relationship with food is when I do better. Whenever I stop thinking about it and just go on autopilot, eating whatever, whenever, is when things go South.

One day, I’m going to find help and work on everything, because I truly want to understand where all these things come from. For now, it’s not possible, so I’ll keep working on trying to improve, taking accountability and not letting myself go back.


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