The Man in My Bed

This is my own personal story.

The end of 2017/beginning of 2018 was a very difficult time period for us here at the house. We were having some complicated personal problems; my anxiety was through the roof and the only way I could describe what I felt was that my home and my life was falling apart and all I had to fix it was duct tape.

Eventually things started getting better but soon after I was hit with another problem: insomnia.

Insomnia was nothing new to me, it happens occasionally, but this time it was happening to me every night. No rest, nothing. It had been a week and I was starting to feel like I was going to lose it. I tried teas, aromatherapy, getting off all electronics at night and nothing. One night I was laying in bed, my lights were out but my modem blue light lights up the room just enough for me to see everything, or at least the outline of things. For some reason I looked down, towards my window and I saw this massive black shadow forming in my curtains. I turned on the lights, but there was nothing there.

Somehow, that night I fell asleep (after a long while) and had a really strange dream. I dreamt that I called my sister and told her about the insomnia and the black shadow at the end of my bed and on the other side of the phone she answered: “Oh yeah, that’s because there’s a man on your bed who’s not letting you sleep.”.

I don’t remember anything else from the dream, but when I woke up, I told my mom everything and then we told my sister what was happening. For context, we know that some psychic abilities run in the family, and at that time my sister was tapping into her abilities, through tarot card reading. After I told her what happened she told me not to worry, that she was going to take care of it.

I started to sleep peacefully again after that day and a few days later my sister called and asked me if I was sleeping well. I answered yes and she laughed, saying “I know.”.

I don’t know what she did, I don’t know if that shadow was real and I don’t know what that dream meant, but I’m not sure if I want to find out.


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