Personality Types

So, the other day I was watching a Cinnamon Toast Ken’s video, on Youtube, in which he and his friend took a personality test online. I was really intrigued because they were really finding the results to be spot on, and I decided I wanted to take the test myself, for the fun of it!

16 Personalities Test

The test they took was from the 16Personalities website. In this website you are supposed to take a relatively quick quiz, in which you have to be as true to yourself as possible when answering each question. There are no right or wrong answers. In the end, the website will determine which of the 16 personalities best defines you, based on your answers. The 16 personalities are divided into 4 types: The analysts, diplomats, sentinels and explorer personalities.

The Defender

After completing the quiz, I got the Defender personality, from the sentinel category. I couldn’t believe what I was reading! It was like the site was describing me! The introduction says:

“Though sensitive, Defenders have excellent analytical abilities; though reserved, they have well-developed people skills and robust social relationships; and though they are generally a conservative type, Defenders are often receptive to change and new ideas. As with so many things, people with the Defender personality type are more than the sum of their parts, and it is the way they use these strengths that defines who they are.”

This couldn’t be more accurate! I always saw myself as someone who adapts really easily to different surroundings and personalities. I also define myself as an ambivert, being super introvert with people I don’t know and the life of the party when I’m with friends and family. I can be quiet and reserved, but also loud and outspoken.

The site also said something that was completely true about my personality which was that even though people like me don’t like the spotlight, we feel a level of satisfaction when our efforts are recognized.

There is a difference between Turbulent Defenders and Assertive Defenders. I am the Turbulent type. The site says that Turbulent defenders more actively anticipate problems (true), are quick to blame themselves when something goes wrong (very true), are vigilant (too true) and value the opinions of others (I like to pretend that I don’t, but I manage to keep it on the inside).

Here are some Defenders you may know:

 If you are interested, go take the test yourself and then let me know what personality type you are and if you relate to the results! Have an amazing Wednesday!


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