Shane and Ryland visited Trisha for her birthday. Some people were okay with it, most were not. This is my opinion on the situation, let me know yours!
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I hardly have been wearing makeup lately, as I’m staying home as much as I can, but considering today was Mother’s Day, I wanted to look good for some pictures so, I got my Ultimate Nyx Palette, some eyeliner, mascara and nude lipstick and went to town! Well, actually, my makeup is pretty simple, and that’s how I like it! So, this is how I do it: I take shade 1. and put it all over the lid, then I blend it out as much as I can. Sometimes, when I use too much shadow and I’m having a hard time blending, I like to take the first shade in the palette, that white/translucent color, and use it to help blend out the edges. Then I take shade 2. (a shimmery pinky bronze) with my finger and I apply that to the center of the lid for that beautiful pop! Unfortunately, the shimmers in this palette don’t come out with that wet effect that I would like, but it’s the best that I have for now. Finally, I take a smaller brush and apply shade 3. (a very light gold) in the inner cor...
As technology evolved over the years, the ability to communicate and share our lives online became common, essential even. Nowadays, we carry some of the most important aspects of our lives in our pockets and most people would be horrified at the prospect of being a day (maybe even hours) without their phones. Some can admit social media is like an addiction to them, but most people I know (myself included) would disagree. I always thought I didn’t really need socials in my day-to-day, I only have them because I like taking pictures, checking up on my friends’ lives and that’s basically it. But lately I’ve been wondering what it would be like to not have social media at all. Would it make me more active? More depressed? That’s where the idea for an experiment came along. I decided I was going to delete all my social media from my phone for 7 days and record my thoughts and feelings about it. Are you ready? Day 1 – No more procrastinating? I think my relationship...
I've had an interesting year, so far. It started really bad, as I recieved some news that shook our entire family, followed by the end of a 4 and a half year relationship, in which I was engaged (yes, I am aware that I am 22...). For a few months after, I went on some really bad dates but I've also met some cool people, and yes, I will have some #TinderStoryTimes for you later on. I got my first car as a gift from my parents, I celebrated my 22nd birthday last month (18th of July), and somehow I got into a downward spiral that was leading me to a path of self-destruction. I didn't want to talk to anybody, I didn't want to get out of bed... My day consisted of me being in my bed all day, doing nothing until I really had to, like paying bills on the last day possible, for example... To make matters worse, I have a bad relationship with food, in which I eat a lot. I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I'm bored, I eat all the time. So as you can imagine, I gain...
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