Starting Over

In the summer of 2018, I decided I wanted to change my life and I started a diet, accompanied by a professional. By the beginning of 2019 I had lost ~20Kg (~44 lbs) and I was close to my goal but I started letting go. Slowly but surely, I started gaining every single bit that I lost and I am completely aware that even though most of it is my fault, 2019 was a year of much anxiety for me, because of my thesis and constantly having to meet deadlines. But I think that’s an excuse.

I’m back to square one, but I am optimistic! I feel mentally right, I feel the moment is right and I am ready to start again! Yesterday was my first day back on track and I ate so, so well! I got back into my experimental healthy cooking and I am having the best time thinking about what to do next. I’m starting to think I have a REAL passion for cooking and not just eating...

The hardest part about the first week (maybe first 2 weeks) is cutting off the sugar, because sugar is a drug. I like to cut things at once instead of doing it gradually, it’s how it works best for me. And I remember that last time it was a good 2 weeks before I got over the sugar. I was so mad, irritated and bitchy all of the time. I felt like kicking someone in the head! But after the cravings were over, everything went back to normal and not having sugar was no problem at all.

Yesterday I felt hungry, without being hungry. Yeah, the body does that when it’s as fucked up as mine. I was having my last bites of dinner and I was feeling hungry because my body wasn’t getting what it “wanted”. I knew that if I had taken a piece of bread, for example, and ate it, the hunger would’ve gone away instantly. But I am stronger than the cravings, for sure. And they’ll stop soon, I hope!

I’ll be sharing my recipes with you guys frequently, so be sure to stay tuned to Foodie Fridays! I’ll show you that eating well doesn’t need to be a boring task!


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