Chocolate & Strawberry Cake

I said I was on a diet and I am, trust me! If any of you had the courage to watch my first rant on Youtube you might know that May 9th was my sister’s birthday. Since we couldn’t go and see her, we decided to bake a cake we never tried before, and this is how it went!


(for the dough)

6 eggs;

200g of sugar;

170g of flour;

1 tea spoon of baking powder;

40g of powdered chocolate;

Butter (to grease the mold);

Flour (to sprinkle on the mold).

(for filling and coverage)

300g of culinary chocolate (tablet);

250 mL of cream;

350g of strawberries;

Chocolate sprinkles.


Mix the eggs with the sugar first and then add the flour, baking powder and powdered chocolate. Mix well.

Grease a 23 cm diameter mold and sprinkle it with some flour. Pour the previous mix into it and bake it at 180ºC (356ºF) for 35 minutes. Let the cake cool off and remove it from the mold.

Cut the cake in two halves, longitudinally, and place the bottom half in a plate.

Prepare the filling and coverage by breaking the chocolate tablets in small bits. Melt it in the stove, with the cream, mixing always until the chocolate is completely melted and homogenous. Remove it from the heat and pour some of it on the bottom half of the cake.

Prepare the strawberries: save 7 whole strawberries, 2 cut in sections and the rest cut into slices. Place the sliced strawberries on top of the bottom half of the cake, over the melted chocolate and then place the top half of the cake over it.

Cover the cake with the rest of the melted chocolate and some chocolate sprinkles. Decorate with the whole and sectioned strawberries that are left and serve.

This was our first time making a cake like this, we’ve definitely never tried making a tiered cake, but I think we did well. At least the cake was delicious! Since this recipe is a little bit longer than usual, I’ll leave pictures of all the steps to make it easier to follow!

Be sure to check other delicious recipes here. And if you enjoy my content and want to support it in order to help me make it better, please consider becoming a patron. Thank you so much and have an amazing day!


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