Story Time: A Smoothie Disaster

About two weeks ago I mentioned a book, Fern Green’s Smoothie Detox Bible and I said I was thinking of trying the 3-day detox plan, just to see what would happen. And I did. Kinda...

I feel like I need to start by saying that crazy diets are a bunch of bullshit and never worthy. I went into this not seeing it as a diet (I was only trying it for a few days) but as an experience to write about afterwards. So, if you ever feel like you need to make a change in your life, when it comes to your eating habits, please always make sure to do it safely and with guidance from a professional.

Now, back to the topic at hand. I read through the entire book and chose the recipes I wanted to try out for the 3 days, bought everything and then it started.

I had my breakfast smoothie and tea and decided I was going to take some lessons from my course. Let me tell you, I had NO energy. Nothing. Partially is was my fault, because only after did I realize that there were better smoothie options for breakfast (with oats and seeds) than the one I had. Anyways, I felt hungry in the morning but since I was trying so hard to focus on my studies, time went by quickly enough.

Then I made my lunch smoothie, all went well, even though I started feeling hungry again shortly after. And then it hit me. I wouldn’t be able to eat anything else until dinner time. It was crazy. I tried to just handle it, I even decided to sleep so that I didn’t have to feel that hunger pain. I mean by the end of the afternoon I knew this wasn’t going to last, it was horrible!

I still managed to make and drink one of the dinner smoothies but by then it felt like the hunger pain didn’t go away completely. After an hour or so I gave up completely and had some solid food, which made everything in my body feel normal again.

I mean, I knew it wasn’t going to be easy, but this was ridiculous! I’ve had strict diets before and they weren’t even close to being this bad. I barely made it through 1 day, let alone 3!

So, I’m here telling you, DO NOT TRY THIS. It isn’t worth it. The book has great, delicious recipes that can be used in other ways that can benefit your life, sure, but not in the way they present it. I’m going to share the 3 smoothies that I tried in future posts (they were delicious, of course) so be sure to check them out!


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