Quarantine Thoughts - Day 11

Today I felt kind of anxious and stressed. I don’t remember any reason in particular for it. Stress was considered by the World Health Organization (WHO) the health epidemic of this century. They define it as a real, or perceived, unbalance between a circumstances’ demand and the ability of adaptation of the person. Weather we like it or not, stress is a part of our lives and if on the one hand it can be useful as it makes us take action, on the other hand it can physically and mentally impair us. How to deal with stress The times of nail biting and hair pulling are over! Check out 5 ways of dealing with stress: 1. Writing – No, journaling is not just for hormonal teenagers. Writing is a personal and safe way to release all the feelings and thoughts that haunt you throughout the day. I’ve went into a bit more detail about it, here . 2. Cooking – A delicious carrot cake with chocolate frosting, some ginger cookies, a cheesec...