Quarantine Thoughts - Day 4

In order to maintain some sort sanity, an important aspect of quarantine is keeping a routine. If you’re one of those people at home with “nothing to do” it can be easy to fall into that bed-couch-bed pattern, with some food brakes in between, which is not healthy for your mind nor your body and eventually you’ll end up feeling bored and frustrated.

A planner can be a great ally for this. At the moment, I’m writing in my planner things like “Have breakfast”, “Brush teeth”, “Take a shower”, “Tidy up bedroom”. It might seem silly but since we are at home it’s easy to sometimes let go of those little things we do every day to take care of ourselves, so the planner is always there to keep you accountable. And the act of ticking every single one of your plans for the day, no matter how silly or simple they sound, we’ll give you a sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. You won’t have the feeling of “I did nothing today”. Don’t get me wrong, doing nothing is absolutely necessary sometimes, but if you fall into it all the time, you won’t feel fulfilled in the long run.

At the moment, my routine is always the same every morning: Breakfast – Brushing my teeth – Beauty routine – Making the bed – Tidying my bedroom – Cleaning the kitchen – Writing down an inspirational quote. For the rest of the day I just think of things that I might want to do and I just write them down.

I also try to include something different every day. For example, some days I tell myself to put some makeup on, other days to take care of my nails; sort out my drawers, and such. These little different things are meant to keep the days “interesting”.

Today my “interesting” thing will be baking a carrot cake! It’s something I’ve never done before so, besides doing something new, I’ll be doing it with my mom, so we’ll be spending quality time together, talking and playing for sure.

Here we live a very modest life, we’ve never had money so technically there’s never anything “cool” to do, but because of the life I’ve had I discovered the true beauty of the simple things. Talking with people while it’s raining outside, cooking together, going outside and looking at the beautiful flowers spring brought... The important thing here is to make yourself feel busy, give yourself goals, no matter how tiny they might seem.

Get to it !


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