Book Club - February

Today I decided to bring you last month’s book (a bit late, I know, but it’s better later than never!). The book I chose is The Tattooist of Auschwitz, by Heather Morris. As I was researching for this post, I actually found out that this book has won the Portuguese Bertrand’s Foreign Fiction Book of the Year 2018 Award!

Heather Morris was born in New Zealand and lived a pretty normal life (went to school, got married, had kids...). She was already in her adult years when she decided to pursuit her passion of storytelling. Heather started studying and writing screenplays, and that’s how she met Lale Sokolov. Through the several interviews she made with him, the Tattooist of Auschwitz was born.

Lale is, indeed, the protagonist of this story, which narrates his life as a victim of the Holocaust, a tattooist in Auschwitz-Birkenau and as a man in love in a time of such fear, pain and suffering.

This book made me feel all kinds of emotions: worry, anticipation, sadness, anger and happiness. Most of all, I felt empathy and compassion for all the people that had to live this horrendous reality.

It is definitely a thrilling story, with a parallel between on of the darkest moments in human history and one of the most beautiful things that exists in this world: love. Indeed, this story shows us how love is able to survive, facing all odds.

I heavily recommend it!


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