Quaratine Thoughts - Day 9

Today, was my first day away from home. As I mentioned yesterday, my boyfriend picked me up early this morning and we came over to his house. He lives ~37 km (~23 miles) away from me and I hadn’t seen him in 2 weeks, so, it was an amazing feeling being able to hold him again.

We made it home safe but as soon as we got here, we realized we had less food in stock than we thought we had. So, we had to make a list and head out to the nearest supermarket. It was closed.

Our only other option was to go to the one in the closest County. That specific County has one of the highest counts of infected/deaths at the moment. Because of that we had our first encounter with the police.

Yesterday, or even two days ago, Portugal entered the Red Phase or Mitigation Phase of the disease, where doctors aren’t even trying to discover where the infection came from (as in who were the infected people in contact with), they are just focused in treating as many patients as possible. Therefore, quarantine measures are more important than ever, specially in these counties with such high counts. In these areas there is a lot of police control. Officers are stopping cars in order to find out why people are not at home. If you’re going to work (and have the documents to prove it) or if you’re going to buy essential items, you should be fine (so long as you’re not infected or part of a risk group).

We were ordered to stop as we were going to buy our groceries and I never felt so nervous before. Luckily, I was wearing gloves and I had my shopping bags (we don’t use plastic here) on my lap, so the conversation with the officer was short. He asked us why we were going over there instead of shopping in our county, but he understood when we told him everything was closed. It was kind of unnerving but we made it to the supermarket, grabbed what we needed and bolted.

We are back home, safe, sound, and (now) comfy in our living room, watching movies under a warm blanket. All I ever wanted.


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