Quarantine Thoughts - Day 10

Today, me and group of friends gathered in our respective living-rooms for a video-chat. It was one of those friends’ birthday and we all wanted to brighten her day a bit, since she (like all of us) is stuck at home during her special day.

One of my friends, said she was going to take a specific Microbiology course next week, through a website called Coursera. It is a platform that provides many different online courses, at competitive prices. All courses are given by many worldwide Universities and I was certainly interested.

I love learning and right now it seems like an amazing moment to learn something new. I just didn’t know what. But now I’m looking into taking a course, in order to add to my curriculum, in fields of Genetics. Maybe something like Next Generation Sequencing, or Microbiology... But there are many other fields there! From Maths, to Art, to Business, to Languages... It’s amazing!

If you are anything like me and love learning about new stuff all the time, give it a try and maybe you’ll find something new to be passionate about. If you have already found a project to dedicate yourself to for the next days or weeks, let me know what it is and where you found it! I would love to know about other platforms like this one.


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