Quarantine Thoughts - Day 1
It’s technically day 2
for me but yesterday I did absolutely nothing.
Today I felt like it
would be a good idea to start writing down what’s going on in my life and country
with this pandemic.
Yesterday, here in
Portugal, the government decided to implement the State of Emergency. This
means that we lose some of our rights as citizens, but it is ultimately for a
good cause. We won’t be able to walk around freely as we wish, we’ll need good,
documented reason to leave our houses (unless we need to buy essential goods or
medicine) and I think that this was a necessary measure to take.
I mean, even with
everything we see on the news, they were refusing to shut down shopping centers,
airports and other things that allowed crowds and gatherings. On the day they
announced that we could go on voluntary quarantine, loads and loads of people
went to the beach. Now there is not whats, ifs and buts. Everyone stays home,
everything shuts down. This is the only way to get rid of this virus. Containment.
So far, even though
there are some exceptions, people here are taking it well, I think. I haven’t
seen any craziness at nearby supermarkets or anything, a really good amount of
people is staying home and although the numbers of infected people are rising
every day, I don’t see people panicking. I want to believe things are going to
continue that way, but unfortunately the worst is yet to come. Still, we are a
historically strong people (especially strong here in the North, just
saying...) and I know we’ll make it, one way or another.
Let’s stay positive,
cautious and safe!
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