Quarantine Thoughts - Day 5

Today I left the house for a while after being inside for the entire weekend (besides occasionally coming outside to look at the view or check out my flowers or even to watch my cat playing, chasing out butterflies and bees). I got in my car and went to pick up my mom from work, in order for her to avoid public transportation.

While I was waiting for her in the car, I got to thinking about the simple things I used to take for granted. Things like going out for coffee with my friends, getting on a train every Friday to go stay with my boyfriend for the weekend, going to birthday parties, going to the movies, going out for dinner... I mean, sometimes I even declined some invitations just because I “didn’t feel like it”.

It’s common to hear people tell us to enjoy life as we have it, because things can change very quickly and right now that sentence has never made more sense. We really only appreciate certain things when we lose them. We appreciate breathing normally when we have a cold, we appreciate a fresh breeze when it’s hot, we appreciate people when we miss them. And it is common to quickly let go of those moments of appreciation as soon as we get over the situation at hand.

Right now, I’m thinking about all the good moments I spent with friends and family, how much I miss everyone, how much I miss drinking and chatting and laughing with the people I love. I’m regretting declining some invitations. And I’m overall planning what I’m going to do when this all ends. But then again, I also think: Is anything really going to change? Or is it all going to go back to normal?

Are we going to learn to appreciate our loved ones and social contact or are we just going to go back to our old ways, letting work, school, overall laziness and other concerns impair the social connection?

What are you planning on doing when all of this is over?


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