About Me

I am a 22 year old portuguese girl whose life is in dire need to change.
Because of that, I've been challenging myself to either do new things or to pick up some old hobbies that I abandoned a while back, like writing.
With this blog I intend to let you in on what goes on in my life and I want to share my point of view and my stories. Some of them are pretty relatable, and some of them might work more as a warning or a guide.
Anyways, what more can I tell you about myself? I have a degree in Biology and I am currently about to start my second year in a Forensic Genetics masters (yes, it's kind of like CSI). I love reading, watching movies and exploring new places, but we'll talk about all of that eventually.
For now, I want to welcome you to this first step in my new journey and I hope you enjoy the ride.


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