Long-lasting relationships - My Story (Part 2)

The money he made was really good and since his financial situation was always really bad at home I was very happy for him, because he had a real chance to save lots of money to invest in his future. Perhaps our future. But then again, I was blown away when he returned a year later with no money. He managed to spent thousands he could’ve saved. And that broke me because I had really high hopes for him and his future, I wanted him to do well, to have a chance to change his life for the better, that’s why I endured a year away from him. And then he has nothing to show for it.

That showed me that he had no control over his money, he was careless and didn’t think before he acted. And it was scary because at that point we talked about moving in one day and stuff like that. I would never live with someone like that. And also, our point of views were so different, he liked to talk like he knew everything, and he knew nothing. But then again, I sucked up the disappointment and we moved on.

Last October we were doing great, we celebrated our 4th year together, he had plans for himself, I had plans for my self but we also had plans together. A few days after, he surprises me, gathers my family and friends and asks me to marry him. Of course, I said yes, I loved him, we were awesome and I saw myself being with him forever. After that, everything went downhill.

We didn’t talk as much, he never wanted to be with me (and he was at home all the time), I felt pushed aside. But I was also “entertained” with my studies so I paid no mind to it at the time. In December and January something tragic happened in my family, we had some news that shook us to our core and because I had to be so strong for everyone else, inside I fell into a huge depression. I cried myself to sleep every night, I couldn’t talk about the situation without crying so I tried to distance myself from everyone. I didn’t want to talk, I didn’t want to get out of bed. But I got to a point where I needed someone to help me, otherwise I was going to blow. Of course, I turned to him. He was my fiancĂ©, he was going to help me, right? Wrong.

He didn’t know how to comfort me, he didn’t care to ask me how I was, he didn’t care. I felt like dying and he did not care. And that was the hardest blow I ever took from him. I mean, if I can’t lean on the man who I want to spend the rest of my life with, who will I lean on? That’s the moment I realized that we were wrong for each other. And the next month just proved I was right. He kept on being “too busy” for me, still didn’t ask how I was doing and we fought almost every day. One night, I had enough and I ended it.

It was hard for me in the beginning, I cried a lot, it hurt. But then, when my vision cleared I felt free. No more worrying about a future that wasn’t mine, no more fighting, no more wondering “why?”. I was free.

I had the chance to ask him why he acted the way he did, a few months later, and his answer ensured me that I did the right thing. He told me: “Because you stayed with me during that year when I was out of the country, I thought that you would never leave me, no matter what I did.”. He took me for granted.


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