My Weight Loss Journey: First Week

The first week of my new dietary regime has passed and I am very happy with the results. I’ve lost 2kg (~ 4 pounds), 2cm (~ 0.8 inches) in my chest, waist and hips and 3cm (~ 1.2 inches) in my belly. So, physically, everything is going just how it’s supposed to.

Mentally, this first week was a rollercoaster. I was very bored and irritated in the first days and I couldn’t understand why, but after I managed to regain control of my moods and emotions (around the 4th day) I realized that I was finally allowing myself to feel the emotions that I would “mask” with food before.

The afternoons were the hardest part of the day because it was during that period of time that I used to eat the most, especially sugary things. So apart from dieting now I also kind of went through some serious sugar withdrawal. It’s not a good feeling at all. I could feel my body craving it and everywhere I looked, in this house, there were cookies, sodas and other sweet things. I felt very tempted but I tried to “isolate” myself from it and I resisted. Restraining yourself is not easy but if you keep your goals in mind, it gives you strength to hang on, and then you are rewarded with the results.

Trust me, when you get to see the progress you’ve made, all the struggles just don’t matter anymore and all you care about is the future.

Right now, I am motivated, I’m following all the recommendations made by the nutritionist, I feel like I’m in a better mental state now and even if a bad mood comes around I know how to control it without resorting to food. I’ll update you in the end of the first month, so let’s see how it goes. Fingers crossed!


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