Long-lasting relationships - My Story (Part 1)

This February, I decided to end a 4-and-a-half-year relationship, in which I was actually engaged for almost six months. Before I tell you why, I’m going to give you a deeper look into the relationship, from the beginning.

When we met, things were supposed to be casual, we were both just having some fun, but then we fell in love and started dating. We had a rocky start, I soon realized he was a “ladies’ man” and my alert senses were always on. Actually, the first 2 years of our relationship were full with disappointment and arguments, obviously we weren’t fighting all the time, but looking back the good moments were very “meh” compared to the bad ones. I saw a few texts he didn’t want me to, he was really immature for his age and had shitty attitudes all the time, I didn’t trust him at all.

If this was happening now, I would never be with someone I couldn’t trust, but at the time I kept comparing him and his actions to my ex, and my ex was… sick. With him I had the 3 most toxic years of my life, but that’s a story for some other time. Anyways, what I mean is that, in comparison with my ex, this guy’s actions weren’t that bad, so I kept allowing them.

I can’t say that he didn’t grow and mature as a man a bit, because he did. By the end of our second year together things were really good between us. He managed to get my trust back, he was back in school, I was so hopeful for him and then he hits me with some hard news: He was going to work out of the country for a year. He quit his studies (in which he was excelling by the way) and he left everything behind to work in something he hated, just because the pay was good.

That decision of his made me realize that he was willing to leave everything behind, even things that would be better for him in the long run (including me), for some coin. If he had nothing going on in his life and needed a job desperately I would completely understand his decision, but that wasn’t the case. Again, I was disappointed, but since everything was so good between us, I did my part and supported him all the way.


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