Asking For Help

“The problem of being the strong one is that no one offers you a hand.”


The problem of being the strong one is that you have a hard time asking for help. Either because of pride, embarrassment, or maybe just because you think you can solve everything yourself. Sometimes, you can’t.

It’s very hard for me talking about my problems and asking for help. Not because I struggle with expressing myself or because I’m ashamed or anything like that.

First, I always think that if I focus enough I can figure a way to solve everything, and I usually can, but sometimes I really struggle to get there and it would be easier to just talk with someone.
Second, I hate feeling like I’m disturbing people or annoying them with my problems, and even though I know my friends and my family would be more than happy to listen, that thought it my head keeps me from speaking out more.

Third, I feel like I’ve been put in this world to uplift people and make them happy and laugh when they need it. For example, my parents, they have enough problems of their own, so I hate worrying them with things I know I will be able to handle, eventually. Therefore, I took it upon myself to try and make them happy, by just giving them the good news. Of course, they hear about the bad stuff too, but mostly when it’s been dealt with.

It can be very hard, emotionally exhausting to keep everything bad to ourselves, and it’s not healthy. I’ve learned that the hard way.

My advice for those who always try to keep the bad stuff inside: don’t. Because, one day, you’ll find yourself hurting and you won’t even know where the pain is coming from, because it will be coming from everywhere. If it is hard to talk to your parents, talk to your friends, another family member you feel comfortable with, or even a stranger (sometimes it’s easier to talk to them). If you struggle talking about your emotions, at least write about them. I write about difficult stuff all the time and it not only helps me get things off my chest, but it also allows me to look at the issue from an outside perspective when I read it out. This method helps me find a lot of solutions that I can’t see when everything is in my head, clouding my judgement.

So, remember that there’s always someone who is willing to listen and help you. Don’t let yourself drown in your own feelings. Ask for help.


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