Antioxidant Smoothie

Yesterday, I brought you a great recipe for a Detox Smoothie, and right next to it, in my little book, was another recipe for and antioxidant smoothie, so I couldn’t resist it and I tried it!


½ of a banana
60g of blackberries
6 strawberries
100 mL of water
1 tea spoon of chia seeds
1 mint leaf


Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until its homogenous. For a more refreshing feel you can add ice.

I cannot describe how amazing this one tasted! In fact, is was so, so good that I’m going to do it again today. Even my dad, who refuses to try anything different from what he’s used to, liked it!
This time I had to buy all fruits necessary for this recipe, but I’m hoping that soon I’ll be able to have enough organic strawberries and blackberries from my own garden to make these recipes even more amazing!
Also, I found this book, coincidentally:

It’s Fern Green’s Smoothy Detox Bible and it is packed with tons of recipes for different infusions and smoothies, but it also includes a 1-day, 3-day 5-day and 7-day Detox program. I thought that it would be a great idea to try out the 3-day program and leave a review here for you guys! Today I’ll start by creating my plan (choosing the infusions and smoothies I want to try) and soon enough I’ll have something to tell you!

Have a sweet monday!


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