
Showing posts from April, 2020

Quarantine Thoughts - Day 41

People like to tell me how much they dislike online dating apps: “Oh, it’s just not for me”; “Oh, people just want to have sex”; “Us girls get lied to a lot on those apps”; “Oh, us guys never get lucky with girls”; “Oh, I’m constantly being ghosted”... Well, they are preaching to the wrong choir here! I’m all for dating apps, I spent almost a year using them and I met the love of my life through one, so don’t knock it until you try it, I say! Even though I have a bad story or two... Seriously, now, not all people enjoy online dating and that is completely fine, but for those who are curious but afraid, let me give you some tips to make your journey easier. 1.     Always be honest! If you are looking for a relationship, say so. If you just want sex, say so. If you are looking for friendships, say so. Because people assume that dating apps are just for one-night stands, they are afraid to let the others know that they are looking for more than just that. And on the opposit

Quarantine Thoughts - Day 40

I got my much-needed break and now I am back with a clear mind, a headset and many ideas! I can not stress enough how important it was for me to take a bit of a break from technology. If you’ve never tried it before, be sure to try it whenever you can. I’m renewed. Anyways, lately I’ve been getting the opportunity to meet and chat with many different people online and a question that I usually get is: “Why aren’t you working in something on your field?”. For me, that question is not hard to answer, now. But if my life had been different these last past months, I can imagine that this could be an anxiety inducing question. I’ll explain. I have a degree in Biology and a master’s in Forensic Genetics and, as you know, I love learning more and more and I’m also completing my “Introduction to Cancer Biology” course . So, it is normal that people get interested in all of those things and want to know what I do. But, so far, I haven’t had luck in finding a job in my field.

Relax, refresh and restart.

To everyone who's been coming arround lately, thank you. You've been giving a lot of meaning to my life in these troubled times and the only things I can do (for now) to give something back to you, is to keep on improving the content I put out. That's why, for the next days, I'll be away, to refresh and reboot this little noggin! I'll be back next week, ready to impress and give you more things to hopefully get your mind out of things for a while. I already have some ideas and I can't wait to try them out! I won't be far, I won't be long and I'll be okay. And I hope you guys are okay too and making sure you're being kind to yourselves and taking care of yourselves as well. If you're anything like me and you feel your brain getting tired, the eyes hurting or those migraines coming in, just take a break. Take as much time as you need. These are changing times and we need to adjust to them, yes, but we also need to respect out boundries and

Quarantine Thoughts - Day 35

Today has been one of those days where I don’t want to do anything. Woke up with little energy and not even breakfast brought it back. I forced myself to take the classes I had planed for today right after breakfast but the idea of doing anything else after it was killing me. But not posting today was killing me more, so I managed to combine both and decided I was going to write about having a non-productive/lazy day. I guess that’s the reality of quarantine, right? We don’t always have the same mood or will to do stuff, or ideas even. I don’t know whether to nap, watch something or just stay still. And that’s okay. We have to recharge sometimes. At least I know I do. Back when I learned how to edit videos, my brain was “overheating”, I could feel it just bursting with too much information, and the day after that I only turned on my pc at 9 PM. I had to take a break. A break to do nothing or close to nothing. I don’t feel like I’m at that point now, I just feel a bit lazy.

Darkest Dungeons Streams!

I did it! I officially started streaming on Twitch again and I'm starting with Darkest Dungeon. For now, it's the only game I managed to stream (my laptop is old, ok?) but thankfully I'm really loving the game and the artwork, so I'm good. I’m trying to stream every night for a few hours and I’m naming my heroes after my followers, so if you want in on the fun, just come and check it out! Yesterday, I tried my luck against the first boss and somehow the game didn’t troll me! I actually did it with ease. Check it out: Assiste a Destaque: Chill DD - Naming Heros after Followers! de viciouskelly em I still don’t have my headset that’s why I don’t speak on stream, but my phone is always handy so I can be pretty responsive in the chat. This weekend I’ll be visiting my boyfriend (we’ve been both quarantined for more than 15 days since last time, so we’re okay) and I’ll be taking my headset back with me. He doesn’t really need it right now, so

Quarantine Thoughts - Day 34

Today is still rainy outside. Since I couldn’t go out there and show you more garden stuff, I decided it was a good opportunity to clean, declutter and show you what’s in my makeup bag! Truth be told, I don’t remember the last time I wore makeup, but I’ve been feeling inspired to use some, so let’s start! I only own 5 brands of makeup so I separated all my items by brand, to make it easier to tackle. So, I’ll start with the brand I own most products of: Avon . From top to bottom, I have foundation, eye products and lip products. The foundation is nothing special, pretty day-to-day, low coverage foundation. For my eyes I have a green gel-stick eyeliner (I don’t even know...); a skin toned cream multipurpose pencil that I use under eyeshadow (so that the pigments show up better); a black gel-stick eyeliner; some mascara (does nothing for me) and a loose pigment purple eyeshadow. For the lips, I have a red lip pencil, followed by 4 red lipsticks, 2 pink lipsticks and

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