Darkest Dungeons Streams!

I did it!

I officially started streaming on Twitch again and I'm starting with Darkest Dungeon. For now, it's the only game I managed to stream (my laptop is old, ok?) but thankfully I'm really loving the game and the artwork, so I'm good.

I’m trying to stream every night for a few hours and I’m naming my heroes after my followers, so if you want in on the fun, just come and check it out!
Yesterday, I tried my luck against the first boss and somehow the game didn’t troll me! I actually did it with ease. Check it out:

Assiste a Destaque: Chill DD - Naming Heros after Followers! de viciouskelly em www.twitch.tv

I still don’t have my headset that’s why I don’t speak on stream, but my phone is always handy so I can be pretty responsive in the chat. This weekend I’ll be visiting my boyfriend (we’ve been both quarantined for more than 15 days since last time, so we’re okay) and I’ll be taking my headset back with me. He doesn’t really need it right now, so it’s perfect.

I thought of buying one, but kids started having classes and home and since then laptops, headsets, speakers and all kinds of pc accessories have disappeared from stores. It’s all sold out, apart from the super expensive things, that I unfortunately can’t afford.

For now, I’ll make it work like this, and then it will all get better!

Thanks for your support!


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