Quarantine Thoughts - Day 35

Today has been one of those days where I don’t want to do anything. Woke up with little energy and not even breakfast brought it back. I forced myself to take the classes I had planed for today right after breakfast but the idea of doing anything else after it was killing me. But not posting today was killing me more, so I managed to combine both and decided I was going to write about having a non-productive/lazy day.

I guess that’s the reality of quarantine, right? We don’t always have the same mood or will to do stuff, or ideas even. I don’t know whether to nap, watch something or just stay still. And that’s okay. We have to recharge sometimes. At least I know I do. Back when I learned how to edit videos, my brain was “overheating”, I could feel it just bursting with too much information, and the day after that I only turned on my pc at 9 PM. I had to take a break. A break to do nothing or close to nothing.

I don’t feel like I’m at that point now, I just feel a bit lazy. The day is gray outside, classes were a bit boring and I feel like being still and enjoying some good relaxation.

For me, relaxation calls for movies/series/binging videos; a warm bed/couch; a blanket and beer. And I’m set for the day!

I still want to try to stream later, so I need to come up with some energy by then. Speaking of it, here’s last night’s highlight:

Assiste a Destaque: (Barely) Defeating the Wizened Hag! de viciouskelly em www.twitch.tv

I hope you can relate somehow to what I’m feeling today, and realize that it is something normal to feel and nothing to be ashamed of (you don’t have to compare yourself to what you see on social media every day. It’s ok to take time off.).

Keep safe and have a nice day! 


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