Sponge Cake

This is the final recipe from our Easter cakes, here it goes!


12 eggs
500g of sugar
250g of self-rising flour
Lemon zest


Pre-heat the oven to 180ยบ;
Separate the yolks from the egg-whites, and whip the whites into stiff peaks;
Mix the yolks with the sugar (you can always cut on the sugar, we always use ~50g less than what the recipe says) add the flour;
Add the whites but involve them, don’t mix them. This makes the dough super fluffy;
Add some lemon zest;
Bake until done (do the toothpick test, it never fails);

And there you have it! Super easy and simple, but then again, everything has its secrets. If you want to know mine, check them out at my Patreon. I’ll even teach you the toothpick method!

Stay safe and good baking!


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