Quarantine Thoughts - Day 34

Today is still rainy outside. Since I couldn’t go out there and show you more garden stuff, I decided it was a good opportunity to clean, declutter and show you what’s in my makeup bag!

Truth be told, I don’t remember the last time I wore makeup, but I’ve been feeling inspired to use some, so let’s start!

I only own 5 brands of makeup so I separated all my items by brand, to make it easier to tackle. So, I’ll start with the brand I own most products of: Avon.

From top to bottom, I have foundation, eye products and lip products. The foundation is nothing special, pretty day-to-day, low coverage foundation. For my eyes I have a green gel-stick eyeliner (I don’t even know...); a skin toned cream multipurpose pencil that I use under eyeshadow (so that the pigments show up better); a black gel-stick eyeliner; some mascara (does nothing for me) and a loose pigment purple eyeshadow. For the lips, I have a red lip pencil, followed by 4 red lipsticks, 2 pink lipsticks and 1 plum lip gloss. My staple look is a black winged eyeliner with red lips, so I own many red lipsticks in different tones and 3 of them are actually missing (2 from Avon and 2 from Kiko Milano).

Speaking of Kiko Milano, I have a few items of them, including a pretty cool mascara; a red lip gloss pencil; a silver eyeshadow; a red matte (no transfer, no stain) lipstick; and my favorite eyeliner at the moment.

From Sephora I have this mini Enchanted Sky Palette, which was the first ever palette that I bought. It has all the colors that I like using (browns and golds) and it was just a perfect starter for me. I’ll have to show you the inside with a reference picture from the internet because mine is USED and beat up:

Then, I need to present my first ever nude lipstick. Sometimes I was doing some pretty dramatic eye looks, right? But I only had red lipstick and I was getting tired of looking way to intense so, one day in my work break, I went onto Primark and got the first nude color I liked. Cool story, right? But seriously, for only 1,5€, it’s an okay nude lipstick!

And now, ladies and gentleman, my pride and joy. The second palette I’ve ever bought for myself: The Ultimate Eyeshadow Palette in Warm Neutrals by Nyx! Oh lord, the colors, the pigment, the shades, I love it so much, it is my baby! I got it in the last week of my first job ever because I was proud and I wanted to get myself a gift. Taking in consideration the brands of makeup that are available to me, Nyx has the best quality/price ratio. This palette got me into trying out new things and new looks and I can’t get enough!

Before I end, I need to share some (un)honorable mentions. A collection of Avon mini lipstick samples that I collected when I was younger, that made me discover my passion for red and burgundy lipsticks (all the other colors are mostly intact, of course.

And the first palette I’ve haver had, was this huge, Sephora palette that was pretty exciting to play with when I was younger. But then as I grew and my interest for makeup grew as well, I started realizing that the quality wasn’t that good, so it’s just kind of sitting in the back, waiting for the moment when I have a makeup emergency (I pray that the day never comes). But seriously, this palette has EVERYTHING. Eyeshadows, eyeliners, lip gloss and blushes! What kind of monster palette is this?!

These were all the makeup products I own, I consider them the start of my collection, because even though I’ve never had enough money to spend it on makeup before, I know that one day I’ll be independent and able to build up this collection bit by bit. I love this stuff, really. I hope you enjoy it too.

Let me know what you have on your collection! Stay safe!


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