French Pudding

Today I bring you the recipe for the French pudding we made this Easter. You didn’t think I’d forget, right?


2 eggs
10 yolks
400g of sugar
½ L of milk
1 Port wine chalice
2 tbsp (soup spoons) of corn starch
Liquid caramel


Mix the 2 whole eggs and all the yolks with the sugar
Add a part of the milk and use the rest to dilute the corn starch
Mix everything together
Coat the inside of the mold with the caramel
Pour the mix into the mold
Place the mold in a pressure cooker (fill the pressure cooker with water that reaches the middle of the mold on the outside) and bake it in water bath for 25 minutes.

So, this one can be a bit trickier but it’s just a matter of trying and perfecting the technique. A lot of people buy the liquid caramel, but here we do it from scratch, if you wanna know how, you can check it out on my Patreon.

Stay sweet and safe!


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