Detox Smoothie (Low Carb)

I told you I’d be back with this recipe and some more pictures, of course! The good thing about recipes like this is, as long as you have all the ingredients and a blender, you can make new and exciting things in a wink of an eye!


2 medium carrots
1 orange
200mL of green tea
1 mint leaf
1 basil leaf


Put all the ingredients in a blender and mix until its homogeneous. For a more refreshing feel you can add ice.

Now, here’s some tips for this recipe in particular. This drink will be particularly pulpy, if you’re not really into that texture you can always add a bit more orange or tea or you can strain the mix into your cup (but that will be a bit counter-productive). Also, if you don’t have green tea, just use another one you like! As you can see from the previous picture, I used lemon balm tea, as it has lots of great properties and I use it as the “go to tea” for almost everything.

Click here for more delicious recipes!


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