Sephora Collection Clay Masks – Review

If you read my previous post, you saw that I tried out some face clay masks that I was given when I went to Sephora. I honestly never tried any kind of mask before, and I was a bit skeptical about them. However, I still wanted to try them and the results that I had at first try were actually worthy of a review.

So, first things first, lets talk about the 3 samples I tried.

They came in a little booklet as you can see in the image. On the left, they give us a schematic representation of where each mask goes on your face; there’s also a tiny description of what each mask does for you and in the back all the ingredients used are described. There is no information on how to use the masks properly anywhere, so I decided to do some research on the website.

According to Sephora, the Gray Mask mattifies and balances your skin; the Pink Mask is for uniformity and brightness and the Green Mask purifies and minimizes pores and it also acts as an exfoliant. All masks work on any type of skin and are presented as solutions for “dullness and uneven texture; dark spots and uneven skin tone and dryness”. You can also use the masks alone or combine them (as I did, according to the scheme on the image). You can check out more information about these masks here.
As I mentioned before, I was skeptical about the masks, because I thought that since clay dries, I would automatically end up with a drier, matte skin. But I was surprised when I tried them out.

The Gray Mask indeed left my forehead and chin dry, but in a good way. It was like there was absolutely nothing in those places. It was smooth and without any residue. The Pink Mask did not dry my skin at all! My skin felt silky and it was brighter than before, so my initial theory went out the window right away. The Green Mask was the most fascinating, for sure. As soon as I cleaned out my face, I started feeling the skin on my nose kind of tightening, as if the pores were closing. It was amazing! My skin was also very smooth on that region because of the exfoliating aspect of the mask.

I completely recommend trying out the masks. And I might just order some, since they are cheap (and they’re on sale right now!) and they actually worked for me!

Have you ever tried any Sephora masks? Let me know about your experience!


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