Quarantine Thoughts - Day 23

Today marks the beginning of the third week since the implementation of the Emergency State in my country. So far, not much has changed in terms of security measures, besides a bigger control in car travels. Specially now, that Easter is coming, people are used travelling to visit their families, but since yesterday, leaving the state where you live is forbidden, unless you are going to work or have an emergency. This rule will be enforced until Monday.

On a lighter and even funnier note, in the beginning of all the chaos, people were running to the supermarkets to stock on alcohol and toilet paper, right? Can you guess what’s the most purchased thing at the moment?


Yes, by the end of all this there will be an extraordinary number of self-taught bakers!

Anyways, today I started my online course and I can’t tell you how happy I am! I love learning and I haven’t experienced lessons in over a year (the last year of my Master’s degree was only lab work). I missed it! The feeling of listening and writing, then going back to the beginning and writing everything to a clean and new notebook. I’ll never stop learning. It makes me feel fulfilled.

I’m learning more about cancer and I finished the first week of lessons today (yes, a week of lessons in one day). Tomorrow I’m going to study everything I learned today and Sunday I’ll be taking my first test. I can’t wait to move on to week number 2!

I’m enjoying this experience so much that I’m already thinking about other topics to study in the next courses. The first thing that comes to mind, at the moment, is viruses. Fitting, right?
I felt like a kid, running to the table at dinner and telling my parents all the curiosities I learned today, it was awesome and I know they feel excited too. I couldn’t have thought of a better way to spend my time right now. I am genuinely happy.

Hope all is well with everyone too and I can only wish that all of you can find something that fulfills you and lightens up your days in these darkest times.


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