Relax, refresh and restart.

To everyone who's been coming arround lately, thank you.

You've been giving a lot of meaning to my life in these troubled times and the only things I can do (for now) to give something back to you, is to keep on improving the content I put out.

That's why, for the next days, I'll be away, to refresh and reboot this little noggin! I'll be back next week, ready to impress and give you more things to hopefully get your mind out of things for a while. I already have some ideas and I can't wait to try them out!

I won't be far, I won't be long and I'll be okay. And I hope you guys are okay too and making sure you're being kind to yourselves and taking care of yourselves as well.

If you're anything like me and you feel your brain getting tired, the eyes hurting or those migraines coming in, just take a break. Take as much time as you need.

These are changing times and we need to adjust to them, yes, but we also need to respect out boundries and our bodies.

Everything will be okay. And I'll be right back!


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